“Special A” is a classic shoujo anime set in high school, featuring familiar characters. Despite its lack of originality and predictability, the show’s 24 episodes offer consistent entertainment. It has been 15 years since the first season aired, and fans are still looking forward to Special A season 2 in 2023. But will it actually happen? Let’s dive deeper into this topic.
Special A Season 2 Overview
Name of the Season | Special A |
Total Seasons | 1 |
Genre | Comedy, Romance, School |
Special A initial Release Date | April 7, 2008 |
Special A Season 2 Release Date | No official dates announced |
Special A Season 2 Manga Volumes | Volume 8 & Beyond |
Special A is a popular Shoujo anime that is still popular among fans a decade after its release. The characters shine with well-developed personalities, driving the story. The anime cleverly shifts focus to highlight various relationships, not just the main ones.
In terms of technical elements, sound and art are solid, enhancing the romantic atmosphere. The color scheme and background scores complement the theme. “Special A” is a light-hearted series perfect for shoujo enthusiasts, offering enjoyable viewing without much complexity. It’s a top pick for Shoujo fans.
Special A Season 2 Release Date & Renewal Status
The debut of ‘Special A’ season 1 was on April 7, 2008, culminating on September 15, 2008. With 24 episodes, each lasting 24 minutes, fans were left longing for more.
Surprisingly, there haven’t been any OVAs or spin-offs despite the anime’s popularity. After over fifteen years, there’s still no word on its continuation, puzzling many fans.
Though the manga provides ample content, the anime doesn’t cover it entirely. Even the manga’s ending surpasses the anime’s timeline. Clearly, source material isn’t the hurdle.
Regardless, since it has been way too long since the initial season aired, the chances of getting a second season of Special A are very low.
Is There Enough Source Material For A Sequel?
The anime adaptation of Special A covered the first 39 chapters in its 24-episode series. It skipped through several chapters in between.
Here is a list of all chapters that the anime has skipped: 2, 3, 8, 12, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, and 38.
Regardless, the show was still a hit among fans despite not being completely faithful to the manga.
In total, the Special A manga has 17 Volumes that comprise 104 chapters. The season one adapted up to Volume 6, Chapter 39. So, there is more than enough source material to adapt the second season of Special A.
What Is S.A About?
Hikari Hanazono excels in everything, but meeting Kei Takishima challenges her. Their rivalry grows as they strive to outdo each other academically, athletically, and more.
Hikari’s determination to surpass Kei leads her to join his high school. Climbing the ranks, they secure spots in the elite Special A group, reserved for the school’s top 7.
Amid their rivalry, Hikari remains unaware of Kei’s affection for her. ‘Special A’ unfolds the lives of the elite club, teaching friendship, competition, and love lessons.
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Cast & Characters Of S.A
Character | Japanese VA |
Hikari Hanazono | Yuuko Gotou |
Tadashi Karino | Hiro Shimono |
Kei Takishima | Jun Fukuyama |
Akira Toudou | Hitomi Nabatame |
Ryuu Tsuji | Kazuma Horie |
Jun Yamamoto | Tsubasa Yonaga |
Megumi Yamamoto | Ayahi Takagaki |
Where Can I Watch Special A Season 2?
The first season of Special A is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. In case we get a long awaited sequel, we can be sure that Amazon will update the latest episodes on their platform.
Another great way to watch the show is by buying the Blu-Ray box sets from vendors like Blu-Ray.com and Amazon.
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