Are you wondering where to start Toilet Bound Hanako Kun manga after anime? If you’ve finished watching the Toilet Bound Hanako Kun anime and want to continue the story in the manga, you might be wondering where to pick up. Here’s a guide to help you get started on your manga journey with Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun.
“TBHK” is a captivating anime and manga series, blending supernatural elements and school life. It follows Nene, who encounters a mischievous spirit named Hanako. Together, they navigate ghostly mysteries, friendships, and their school’s secrets.
With vibrant animation and interesting characters, this series offers a delightful mix of humor, drama, and supernatural twists.
While the anime adaptation was somewhat successful, hardcore manga fans consider it a failure. Because of this, getting a second season seems impossible. But if you’re hooked to the story of the series, fear not.
In this article, I’ll tell you where exactly you need to start the TBHK manga after the anime.
Where do I start the Toilet Bound Hanako Kun manga after anime?
The Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun anime is incomplete, adapting only 35 chapters. However, the adaptation skipped several important parts from those chapters and produced a condensed version of the story.
While the canon story of the anime’s season one ends at Chapter 35, we don’t recommend starting at chapter 36. Instead, start at Chapter 9 or the beginning to grasp the plot and character relationships.
Or, if you’re not concerned about the stuff the anime skipped, at least, begin around Chapter 23. This way, you will miss only the unimportant things, but get a grasp of the important parts that the anime adaptation skipped.
Read chapters 9–10 (volume 2) and 23–29 (volumes 5-6) first if you still don’t want to waste your time on the parts you’ve seen in the anime. Then continue from manga chapter 36 of volume 8 onward.
What chapter did the Toilet Bound Hanako Kun anime end in the manga?
The anime adaptation of Toilet Bound Hanako Kun ended in the middle of chapter 36 of the manga. That said, the anime did not completely cover the entire story of the first 35 chapters. It skipped over a good amount of content.
So, if you’re interested in continuing the story of Toilet Bound Hanako Kun manga after anime, just start over. Or at least from the 23rd chapter. This way, you can read the stories that you have not seen in the TBHK anime adaptation.
FAQs about Toilet Bound Hanako Kun anime and manga
This is all you need to know to continue Toilet Bound Hanako Kun manga after anime.
In conclusion, if you’ve finished watching the Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun anime and want to continue the story, start reading the manga from Chapter 36. However, it is recommended to start from the beginning or at least read from Chapter 23 to read the parts that were skipped in the anime. TBHK offers a captivating tale of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery, and delving into the manga will allow you to experience the story in its entirety. Happy reading!
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